Saturday, August 13, 2011

Balancing Act

I knew when I became a mom I would have to learn a whole new balancing act much different from the "wife" balancing act.
So I have discovered a balancing act now that I'm at home. I can't just play and read stories to Alexandra all day. I did that the first week and after reading 5 little ducks for what seemed like the 100th time in one day I had to call it quits. Don't worry we still have our story times  at least two time a day. Alexandra is getting older and able to play independently on her own. So to encourage her to use her imagination and make self discoveries I have moved toys into all of the rooms that she might play in. This has allowed me to get things down around the house while she's awake so that when she's napping I can just relax.

She's playing with her tea set right now in our office. It is a cute pink and purple tea pot that has a numbers song and sound setting. It is on the song setting now. Alexandra is overjoyed that she knows how to make the tea pot sing. Yes I feel like I'm going to chuck the tea pot out the window if I hear the song "time to share a pot of tea, some for you and some for me. time to share a pot of tea and say please and thank you" but she is so excited when she hears it I'll try to keep my cool =). She just sits there bouncing up and down as the tea pot sings in a Mrs. Potts/Mary Poppins voice. If it makes her happy and encourages her to play on her own It's all good. It has allowed me to share with all of you and still take a nap this afternoon =).

VJ has said "I don't know how you do this all day" when he has taken over for me on the weekends so I can have some me time. All I can say is it's a balancing act. So to all the moms (stay at home and working) a toast to you and your balancing act.


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