Sunday, October 16, 2011

I'm Back

It's been over a month since I last sat down to write something. My baking entery was writen back in the begining of September.

So I'm working on getting back into my regular rutien. That includes getting back into lose it and working out everyday. Why are there people out there who can eat what ever they want and still not gain an ounce. They all suck. Since am not one of those people I will be on the trail or Just Dancing everyday. I would like lose 10 pounds by Thanksgiving. Is this posible? V.J. and I are only using my Weight Watchers cook books from now till Thanksgiving. So maybe. I just have to keep the work out part going.

The other rutien in my life that has started to disapear is my daily log of what I eat.

I started to write this a month before Thanksgiving and here we are the week of Thanksgiving. I lost about 8 pounds but gained 2 back because our refrigerator died and I was not able to cook the healthy meals I had been. So my Christmas goal is to be 10 pounds lighter then what I am on Monday when we are home again and I can stock up my fridge with healthy food again. Good luck to everyone traveling and struggling with weight this week. Allow yourself to relax have a drink and enjoy.


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